Dr. Grandhige writes about hiatal hernia symptoms, as well as paraesophagal hernias, and how they ca...
GERD-like symptoms can result from trigger foods, allergies, food sensitivities, or even intolerance...
What triggers acid reflux symptoms? This article identifies foods that cause acid reflux, so you can...
Todays acid reflux treatment model to combat acid reflux has failed, according to global GERD-expert...
A reader shares her success story with natural heartburn remedies. After much trial-and-error, she f...
For some people, acid reflux surgery is a viable option to provide lifetime relief from GERD. This s...
Are proton pump inhibitor medications (PPIs) safe or not? Thre is mounting evidence that these power...
It's associated with reflux illness (or GERD), the additional severe sort of these issues. Acid Refl...
You can prevent or relieve your symptoms from GERD by changing your diet. Following this comprehensi...
Can GERD be cured? Dr. Dengler examines this interesting question and provides sound insight into th...
When heartburn strikes, consumption of Apple Cider Vinegar For Heartburn can be effective as well as...
There must be confusion about a GERD-friendly diet since we regularly get questions about what to ea...
Dr. Jon King answers a patient's question, what is GERD? Here he provides a basic and concise explan...
One of our RefluxMD members asked us how to get rid of heartburn after trying medication and diet. W...
As the health risks mount over the daily long-term use of PPIs, more adults are seeking a natural cu...
Are you experiencing silent acid reflux symptoms? This post will help you find relief and prevent si...
If you're experiencing trouble with your esophagus, it may be the sign of a more serious esophageal ...
How to treat heartburn is a common question asked by those suffering from acid reflux. This top reco...